This is what I came to realize, ending the "war on drugs" is not about saying drug use is okay. It is not about promoting drug use or ignoring the problems associated with addiction. It's about breaking the cycle of unproductive, unfair, and unjust punishment that is targeting communities based on race and social class status, while over crowding our prison systems and costing America billions of dollars each year. With that being said, I still had my doubts. If drug abuse and the violence that is associated with it is so out of control now, what would happen if we made it legal? My fear is that it would only get worse. When researching this fact, I came across an article that answered these questions. In the Forbes business section, an article titled "Let's Be Blunt: It's Time to End the Drug War" talks about the prohibition going on with today's strict drug laws, and how people do not change their drug consumption based on the price of the drugs themselves. The article further explains how drug violence is a result from drugs being illegal and not the drugs themselves. People who are addicted to something will do whatever it takes to satisfy that need. When drugs are illegal, it forces the price of drugs to be high. These addicts then result to criminalized behavior to get their hands on the drugs anyway they can. I believe this direct quote from the article sums it up best, "The more effective prohibition is at raising costs, the greater are drug industry revenues. So, more effective prohibition means that drug sellers have more money to buy guns, pay bribes, fund the dealers, and even research and develop new technologies in drug delivery (like crack cocaine). It’s hard to beat an enemy that gets stronger the more you strike against him or her." In other words, drugs being illegal is actually putting more power in the drug dealers hands and as a result is creating more dangerous drug use and violence.
Of course this subject is so complex, there are so many areas that need to be evaluated. But, the more I question myself on this topic, the more answers I come up with. People do not stop doing drugs just because it is illegal, so I have to believe people may not start doing drugs just because it becomes legal. Decriminalizing drugs is not saying to do drugs, it is just about finding another way to treat the problem of drugs and the unjust punishment that often comes with it. Ending the "war on drugs" is just a start. There would have to be many laws put into place about the use of drugs and drug treatment. If I can start to understand how this would better our society and think of all kinds of ideas to treat addiction itself, better communities, save money, all while still providing jobs to people, than I think others can too. The more we educate each other and learn the truth, the sooner we can start to make the changes that are so desperately needed.
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